Sunday, 11 October 2015

Wayfarer's Walk / Combe Gibbet

This is the start of a new, personal, sketchbook project. I have a smallish panoramic sketchbook containing khadi paper, and it's dedicated to documenting the Wayfarer's Walk.

The Wayfarer's Walk is a long distance path running from one end of Hampshire to another. It joins the Test Way at Walbury Hill, just short of Combe Gibbet. The Gibbet is technically on the Test Way, but let's not worry about that, nor which county it's in. It's a landmark, and it makes a good subject for a sketch...

The paper's a bit wrinkly because, on the other side, there's a line and wash (Uniball and Inktense) of the view from Combe Gibbet, looking south.
That's definitely Hampshire.

Sunday, 4 October 2015

English Civil War Society at Basing House

When I visited Basing House as part of Artikinesis on Wednesday, I discovered that this weekend was Civil War weekend at the property. I was busy yesterday, but today we went as a family.

These are a few of my sketches.