Sunday 22 November 2015

In the Gallery

It's a lovely space, the gallery at Proteus Creation Space. There's a huge great window at one end, and they've got lights on rails and stuff..

The Basingstoke Project has 5 more days to run. Details, including times here:

Tuesday 17 November 2015


It's been a while since I attended a life class, but I did go to one last night. This, one of several large sketches made during the two hours of the class, is my favourite drawing. It was done quickly in Conté using the "landscape" set of colours. Far more satisfying than the "portrait" set.

Basingstoke Spiritualist Church

Yesterday, I had occasion to be loitering in the Proteus Creation Space car park. Our - Artikinesis' - exhibition was within the Creation Space. Making more pictures of Basingstoke was, of course, completely pointless.

So I did it anyway.

I had had my eye on the Spiritualist Church building for a while. A low, corrugated shack, directly opposite the grandeur of All Saints (not pictured), it looks like a relic from a not-too-distant past.

Drawn in an A6 sketchbook using Winsor and Newton's Indian Red calligraphy ink, loaded into my Sailor Fude de Mannen (Japanese calligraphy pen).

Sunday 1 November 2015


Graphite stick and sanguine oil pencil
One of the advantages of sketching your young walking companions as you walk is that you don't inevitably walk past them. And they do tend to repeat movements...