Saturday 26 December 2015

Christmas Day Watercolours

A pause in preparing Christmas dinner
If you get some new watercolours for Christmas, it's only right, proper and polite to try them out. This was a dinky little set of lovely Sennelier colours - the "Aqua-mini" -  that came as part of a gift subscription to The Artist magazine.

Left to right: Reindeer figurine n the windowsil; Glass of prosecco; Cork

Friday 11 December 2015

Ink Carnations

Carnations last for an awfully long time. I bought these at the beinning of the week for an acrylics commission (due to be given as a gift, so I haven't posted it yet), and have painted them a few more times in acrylic as well. But today I decided to try something different...

I used calligraphy inks with a dip pen (mainly for the convenience of changing colours readily). I have three bottles of ink: sepia, indigo, and Indian Red.With a generous helping of water on a size 22 round brush, these are what resulted.

Wednesday 9 December 2015


This is Douai Abbey near Beenham in West Berkshire: the interior and exterior of the Abbey Church, drawn in Molotow markers

Woolhampton, West Berkshire: Green People carvings on St. Peter's Church

We found these delightful carvings on the side of St. Peter's Church in Woolhampton today: a green man and his lady apparently surrounded by vine leaves. I used a 2B pencil to draw them. Time was moving on and it was getting cold, so I left the lady's leaves unfinished.

See also The Woolhampton Green People on my main art blog.